Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New beginnings-Family Connections

     Today was the beginning of a new life.  My oldest son Matthew had his first child.
I am a grandmother.  I have technically been a grandmother for nine months.  But today marked the beginning of a new life.  Asa Vaughan Ross born June 8, 2010-weighing 9lbs 12oz-22 inches long.

He is gorgeous-and I am not bias-just because I am his grandmother- he is gorgeous- perfect in every way.  His coloring is pink and soft-his hair dark like his momma's- he looks like his daddy-weighs the same nearly as his uncle Austin did at birth- He is a Ross for sure.  His feet and toes are like his great grandpa George Rozier (my daddy).  Of course Mattie and Austin are built like and have the same feet like their grandfather George Rozier as well. 

Life is funny-Life is amazing and Life is strange. Joy comes to us from the simplest of things.  The gift of a child is the gift of a life time.  You never realize how truly insignificant you are in this universe until you hold your child.  At that point you realize that they and they alone become your soul purpose for existing.  No matter how many children you may have, it holds true for each one.  And that is the way it should be.  That is the way any parent should feel and act.  Unconditional love.  There is nothing like it.                                      
Mattie and Juliana my hope and desire is that you will experience all the joys of parenting that any parent can.  Your life together will become selfless and Asa is now the center of it all.  The times to come will bring you great joy-great-happiness-great pain-great heartache-but let your love be unconditional- For there is no greater love than the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of a parent.

- Love bye

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