Friday, June 11, 2010

A message from Katherine

This morning I woke to a beautiful text from my angel Katherine Elizabeth... as a mother the words and thoughts your children have for you are so important and carrying such importance and weight... they are the one souls on earth that can lift you up or break your heart into a thousand million pieces....
This message made my day begin with such joy and heartfelt love and warmth....
text reads:

"Mom, you're such an illuminated light in life.  You've lighted the way thru my darkest times.  Like the ship to the lighthouse I'm forever drawn safely to shore following my mother's light.  Thank you for all you do. love Katherine."-

 What a lovely way to wake to begin any day....... I am blessed by her ever loving soul.... blessed she chose me to be her mother..blessed to know that she will always be there for me.. and wants me apart of her life constantly... thank you Katherine mommy loves you..

-Love bye

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