Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It’s time for a catch up-

I have been crazy busy with the move.

I was reflecting last night on how many times I have moved in my 50 years on

earth….ready for this!!! I have moved a grand total of 28 times since I was born.

You would think that at 50years of age I would be settled.

I didn’t imply that I am not stable- I am just not settled. There

is a HUGE difference. Some people say change is good. I say

Too much change is a headache. I actually am really longing for that feeling of being

settled in one place till I leave this world. So let’s be honest with myself, sometimes I do

feel a bit out of sorts. I began to think about all the people who have lived

Throughout history or even the present day that are “transient”. Yes I do

feel sometimes rather like a nomadic tribal member. But then there is

some magnificent benefits to being nomadic. One such benefit is not becoming a

hoarder! I was watching a TV show about Hoarders! WOW!!

Well that I is one blessing when you move around a lot.

YOU pretty much can check that one off the list.!

So check that off my list of things that I need to work on.

Then there is that wonderful “new” relationship feeling. You know when you are first

in a relationship and everything is fun romantic and new…..I think that is what “spring

cleaning” is suppose to accomplish. So here I am again living out of boxes for awhile.

But that is ok because the really important “stuff” in my life---- are right there with me-

My children-

So all in all change is good and life is an amazing adventure-at least mine is

~love bye

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