Friday, July 9, 2010

I hold these things to be self-evident

We celebrate the freedom and birth of our great nation on the 4th.  How grateful we are for all the countless scarfices that have been made for those of us to stand in oblivion of what it takes to keep us this way.  The freedoms we so too often take for granted, the lives lost, fathers gone, brothers and sisters taken away and mothers who weep for their children who have layed  their lives down so that we as a nation as a people can sleep freely.  I am thankful for their courage, for their love, for their undying passion in what they believe to be the truth..."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (Declaration of Independence).  I am honored, I am blessed, I am loved.- Thank you

I hold my family tightly and with ever treasure.  In these times of hate and corruption, distruction of our souls our families are unravling before our eyes.  STAND UP OUR INHABITANTS OF THIS EARTH- behold your family- behold your heritage, remember who you are and where you came from.  I count my many blessings and adore my family.  I am the keeper of their love-

-Love bye

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