Have you ever seen the glass of a car window shatter into a thousand million pieces? How at first it splinters and fans out into a thousand million tiny specks of glass all pieced together like a jig saw puzzle. Then one gentle tap and all the pieces shatter into a thousand million pieces... what an amazing sight....
have you ever had your heart broken like that window... that shatter into a thousand million pieces....and you wonder how is it physically possible that you could hurt in places you didn't even know existed? You wonder to yourself how could one person break your heart so intensely that you might never recover? How is it possible? How is it possible that you can actually feel your heart breaking into a thousand million pieces? How?
How is it that someone can have so much power over your heart... who knew that a muscle like the heart could ache with such pain that you wished you could die....
A broken heart doesn't always come from the love that is lost between a man and woman.... broken hearts can cut deeper than that... a child can break your heart deeper than any pain from a lover....
shatter your heart ten thousand million times more......
-Love bye
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