What joys and blessings are family has had this year!!
Another beautiful baby has come to live and brighten our world!
Everett James Beazer the son of my daughter Katherine and son in law Shelby.
The day began with excitement on the Monday. I was in Preston visiting with TJ, Lindsay and our Kirtlynn
for the weekend. The morning was crisp and cold like fall was rapidly approaching.
The clouds low and misty, hovering over the mountains like a pristine highland morning.
The mountain caps dusted with the first snow of the year. Yes it was August, but this was Everett's arrival day and he was letting the world know that he would be the ruler of these mountains!
As I drove through Sardine canyon from Logan to Ogden the smell of the storm filled my breath.
So began the wait... the pain....my beautiful daughter so strong so brave...so amazing...she was truly a much
stronger woman than I would ever be. I was so proud to watch her conquer the contractions that were
strong and quick and so hard with totally control. She braved through until she could no longer.
After hours of not much progression the decsion was made to deliver Everett by c-section.

Within minutes our beautiful baby boy was here with a strong set of lungs!

What a beautiful picture...a snow globe moment for us all!
Everyone was safe and well and happy beyond measure.
This is my angel... my daughter..my joy...a girl who once curled in my lap snuggled deep in my arms, now a mother of her own with her angel snuggled deep in her arms. Life is a measure of circles..a circle of love...
Welcome Everett James.. you are grandmas Boodle... I love you more than you will ever know .. I am always here for you---unconditionally---
~love bye